Hello! My name is Emily Rumisek. I am from North Port, Florida. I am a fourth-year health science major on a pre-physician assistant track. My favorite show is The Office. I love pineapple on my pizza (don’t knock it until you try it). I enjoy going on walks on trails in Gainesville. Breakfast is my favorite meal, especially doughnuts from Halo Potato.
Just like every other freshman student, I felt completely lost my first year at the University of Florida. The plan I had set for myself going into college was constantly changing. I had no clue who I was or who I wanted to be. During my freshmen orientation, I did not have a full understanding of the College of Public Health and Health Science (PHHP).
Yet, I decided to declare Health Science as my major because it sounded more interesting than Biology or Chemistry. Little did I know that the college of PHHP would change my life.
During my Sophomore year, I began to research the college and discovered that they had a mentorship organization, L.E.A.P. (Lead. Educate. Advocate. Philanthropy.). L.E.A.P. introduced me to my mentor, Aly, who transformed my life. Aly helped me confirm that I wanted to be a Physician Assistant. She pushed me to trust that I could accomplish anything by believing in myself. During my Junior year, I became a mentor in the organization. I had the opportunity to not only advise my mentee but create a lifelong friend. For the 2021-2022 academic year I will be the Director of Mentors for L.E.A.P. To learn more about L.E.A.P. check out their Instagram @ufleap.
After being accepted into the Bachelor of Health Science program, I thought that life was going to get easier. I was very wrong. During my first year of taking classes in the college, I was completely lost. The dynamic was much different from what I was accustomed to. To top it off, I was unable to personally connect with my classmates due to an online class shift. I was hesitant to ask questions during class. I was nervous to reach out to an advisor because I was scared of being ignored. I had a very challenging first semester. By my second semester, I knew things had to change. I finally started asking questions and reaching out. Soon enough, I realized that there had been people there for me all along. I worked with Dr. Moorhouse, the program director, to make a plan. Within a few weeks, I finally felt like I belonged in this college.
The college of PHHP has an endless number of opportunities for students. From research to student organizations, there is a place for everyone. It can be challenging to find where you belong. This college does a great job of assisting you in finding your path. The college of PHHP is now my home away from home. I have been blessed to connect with many amazing classmates, professors, and advisors. I am sad that my voyage in this college is coming to an end so soon. I feel less nervous about the future knowing that this college has prepared me as best as possible. Like me, many students experience challenges during their college careers. I understand how terrifying the journey can be. In the end, there is always purpose in the journey that you are following. If you ever need someone to help steer you back in the right direction, feel free to reach out! You can email me at emilyrumisek@ufl.edu or find me on social media @Emily_Rose242! Go Gators!