Hello Everyone! I am Jessica Bui, and I am from Tampa, Florida. I am in my fourth year as a Health Science major with a minor in Disabilities in Society. Ever since I started school in 2017 as a first year at the University of Florida, I have always wanted to be in the Bachelor of Health Science program. I have been thoroughly enjoying all of the classes and have learned a lot of information throughout my courses. The advisors, professors, and everyone involved in this program have been extremely helpful on my journey here. Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of working in the field of medicine, and to work towards this goal, I started volunteering at hospitals my freshman year of high school and have continued to this day. I was in post-op at Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, Shands Radiology, and the most recent which is at the Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute in Gainesville.
During my sophomore year of college, I decided to apply to be a Research Assistant for Dr. Carolyn Tucker’s Health Disparities Lab. From there on, I discovered my passions for assisting in eliminating barriers in underserved communities and promoting cultural sensitivity. I believe that every individual deserves the best quality of care. One of my future goals is to volunteer at clinics in underserved communities for more affordable or free medical services. Practicing cultural sensitivity is so imperative as it allows us to be aware of other backgrounds, cultures, and histories prevalent in our society.

Being able to acknowledge another person’s culture and way of living can assist in creating a stronger connection and better health outcomes due to a more tailored health plan. I continue to be a research intern within the lab internship today. Being promoted to a Level II Intern has allowed me to mentor other students within the internship, and I was able to participate in a small research project that is currently in the works. In addition to my internship, I am also a Teaching Assistant for Impact of Disabilities: Home, Community, and Workplace (EEX2000). I have been a TA since my freshman year as I am a strong advocate for individuals with disabilities. I believe as a future healthcare professional, it is imperative to be aware of disabilities and how we can provide reasonable accommodations for individuals who may need it. Being aware of disabilities would allow me to be able to better care for people of all backgrounds. I hope to promote inclusivity and diversity throughout my life especially in my future workplace.
During my spare time, I enjoy running and working at Shands as a student helper. With regards to running, I am hoping to run a half marathon by the end of next year. I enjoy running long distances as well as fast paced running to stay in shape and maintain good health. With regards to my job, I help transport COVID-19 tests from the Emergency Department to the Core Lab and assist Medical Laboratory Technicians with sorting human biological samples for diagnostic purposes.
I hope to attend medical school after I obtain my undergraduate degree. I am interested in dermatology, orthopedics, and anesthesiology. I plan to take a gap year in order to gain more experience which includes volunteering, working, and shadowing. If you have any questions about the Pre-Med track and/or the Bachelor of Health Science Program, please feel free to reach out to me! My email is buij@ufl.edu.