On Tuesday, March 9 at 7 pm EST, Dorian Rose, PT, PhD, a research associate professor in the Department of Physical Therapy, research scientist within the Brooks/UF-PHHP Collaboration, and research health scientist at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center, will present “Beyond Gait Speed: Regaining Health in the presence of Post-Stroke Disability.”
Dr. Rose will kick off the first talk of The Research Connection virtual seminar series that is sponsored by the Brooks/UF-PHHP Research Collaboration.
Gait speed is now promoted as the 6th vital sign and has become integrated into physical therapy evaluations, providing clinicians a simple and objective measure to document our patients’ progress. However, if our patients attain a certain gait speed, are they set for life? Can we assume they will return to community participation? They may have re-gained ambulatory status, but have we returned them to health?
This webinar will explore these questions and suggest solutions to prepare our patients for an engaged return to their community.
No CEU credit is offered for this event.
Event Details:
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST
ZOOM Meeting ID: 940 2522 3007
ZOOM link: https://brooksrehab.zoom.us/j/94025223007