Please join Dr. Michelle Desir on Tuesday, February 23rd at 1:00 pm for her faculty candidate seminar. Dr. Desir is currently a post-doctoral fellow at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center within the Department of Pediatrics, she has a background in Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, and Developmental Psychopathology with a Ph.D. in Child Psychology from the University of Minnesota.

“Child maltreatment (i.e., physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional maltreatment, and neglect) is a serious threat to normative child adaptation that negatively influences multiple developmental domains and increases risk for myriad mental and physical health difficulties. Using a developmental psychopathology framework, I will review my findings on how interpersonal relationships and experiences can mitigate or exacerbate risk for adverse outcomes, as well as factors that can influence treatment outcomes for maltreated children engaged in therapy. I will end by discussing future directions for incorporating these findings into evidence-based interventions for this population.”
Meeting Information:
Join Zoom Meeting Tuesday 2/23/2021 @ 1pm
Search the link or scan the QR code to join the seminar! Meeting ID: 974 751 8613 Passcode: 103859