Dr. Ilaria Capua awarded the “Barcelona Hypatia Europen Science Prize” by the Academia Europea-Barcelona Knowledge Hub & the Barcelona City Council

EGH would like to recognize Dr. Ilaria Capua for being awarded the “Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize,” by the Academia Europea-Barcelona Knowledge Hub & the Barcelona City Council. The prize “recognises an outstanding researcher who has conducted her/his career primarily in Europe and at the highest international level, with a strong influence on various fields of knowledge and a positive impact on society”. Dr. Capua is also the first woman to ever win this award!

If you’d like to learn more, please check out AE-BKH website at the link below and click “2020 Fall Newsletter.” On the behalf of the department, congratulations Dr. Capua! http://barcelona.acadeuro.org/

Ilaria Capua

Ilaria Capua

Phone: (352) 273-8929