A big congratulations to our Fall 2020 Rehabilitation Science Doctoral graduates, Kelly Hawkins and Michael Sunshine!

On Oct. 27, Kelly Hawkins successfully defended her dissertation entitled, “Walking Control after Stroke and the Feasibility of Transcutaneous Spinal Direct Current Stimulation during Locomotor Training after Spinal Cord Injury.” Her doctoral committee consisted of Drs. Emily Fox, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS; David Clark, ScD; Dorian Rose, PT, PhD; and Daniel Ferris, PhD.
Kelly has accepted a post-doctoral fellow position in the lab of Dr. Julia Choi, assistant professor in the department of applied physiology and kinesiology at the University of Florida.

On Nov. 5, Michael Sunshine successfully defended his dissertation entitled, “Electrical Activation and Analysis Paradigms for Restoration of Breathing.” His doctoral committee consisted of Drs. David Fuller, PhD; Gordon Mitchell, PhD; Emily Fox, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS; and Kevin J. Otto, PhD.
Michael will pursue a post-doctoral fellowship in spinal cord injury research, and his career goal is to direct is own research laboratory.