A message from development and alumni affairs

Tom GoodwinDear PHHP Family,

It’s been a tough year, to say the least. We’ve faced the global COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve confronted major social issues around racial equity, nationally.

This is my first year with PHHP, and I can’t begin to express the extent to which our college holds wonderful values. When I started on May 15th, I had the highest hopes for what this experience would hold. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined the quality of our faculty and staff, not only as professionals, but as people. These people have hearts of gold, and they’re working relentlessly to make the world a better place. We care.

You’re one of us. We know you care. And we do need your help. It’s never been clearer that public health and health professionals need a voice. You’ve seen our researchers in the news, battling the pandemic. And, as has long been the case, our researchers, in various departments, are working to solve racial disparities in health care.

So how can you help? Most importantly, speak up and stay the course. These world-changing issues aren’t going anywhere any time soon, and we have to stay present and committed.

But there’s another way you can help. This year has brought budget cuts, reduced revenues, and increased costs. The short-notice transition to hybrid education increased costs. So did the urgent need for research. Some departments tightened their belts to fund COVID research directly out of their pre-COVID budgets, for lack of other resources. Why? Because it simply wasn’t an option to forgo life-saving research.

We’re always grateful for your financial support, in whatever amount is right for you. But this year, of all years, the need is as great as it’s ever been. If you’re able and willing, you can make a gift to support PHHP’s general fund. If you want to support something specific, please call, text or email me at 352-327-8664 or TomGoodwin@phhp.ufl.edu to schedule a time to chat, and we’ll make it happen.

Regardless of whether you support us in word, deed or gifts, thank you for being part of our PHHP family, and Go Gators!



Thomas J. Goodwin IV, JD
Director of Advancement