Stephen Bezruchka, MD MPH
University of Washington Department of Global Health
As an emergency physician, faculty at the University of Washington, author of several books on traveler’s guides to managing health while abroad, and avid globetrotter, Dr. Bezruchka offers a dynamic perspective on the global pandemic and the possible role of health psychology.

Health Psychology in the United States: A Population Health Approach
Before COVID-19’s arrival, Americans had shorter lives and poorer health than more than 35 other nations, including all of the wealthier ones. This despite spending more on health care than the rest of the world combined. We may have the most mental illness and the most treatment for such of any country. Our dismal performance in managing the pandemic should be no surprise. In the early 1950’s, we were one of the healthiest countries. This presentation will briefly review the situation and suggest opportunities for how health psychologists may respond to improve public health outcomes.
August 28th 11-11:50am
Meeting ID: 921 6045 3338
Passcode: 751319