Alumni updates summer 2020

Benjamin Anderson, master’s in public health ’12 and doctorate in One Health ’15, has received a grant from the World Health Organization’s Asia-Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies to explore the efficacy of intervention national policies to combat antimicrobial resistance in Asia. He is an assistant professor of global health at Duke Kunshan University in China.

 book coverBarbara Connolly, bachelor’s in physical therapy ’70, has released the fourth edition of her book, “Therapeutic Exercise for Children with Developmental Disabilities,” published by Slack. She retired from the University of Tennessee in 2010 after having served as chair of the department of physical therapy for 24 years and dean of the College of Allied Health Professions for two years before retirement. Now a resident of Melbourne Beach, Florida, she continues to teach professional development courses both nationally and internationally.

Monique Ellsworth, bachelor’s in health science ’10, was named CEO of Second Harvest of the Big Bend in Tallahassee. Second Harvest food bank serves 11 counties in Florida’s Big Bend through a network of 135 partner agencies.

Hays Estes, doctorate in physical therapy ’12, was featured in an MSN story for his work with telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic. He is the owner of Premier Physical Therapy & Sports Performance in Clearwater.

Jacob Fischer, MHA ’14, was selected as a 2020 Rising Star by Pensacola Inweekly magazine. He is director of clinic operations at Ascension Medical Group Sacred Heart.

Allison Petkoff, bachelor’s in public health ’19, provided an update on her contributions to the COVID-19 response: “After graduating, I was fortunate enough to begin a fellowship in the Infectious Disease Policy Office at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C. One segment of my position is to help ensure the safety and availability of blood in the United States. COVID-19 has brought many new challenges to this position, but it has also fostered collaboration between both federal and non-federal stakeholders. I have been lucky enough to work alongside a team that ensures an adequate blood supply in the U.S. during this troubling time, and to help research the use of convalescent plasma and hyperimmune globulin as a potential treatment option.”

Yvonne Stride, bachelor’s in health science ’04 and master’s in occupational therapy ’06, has created face masks with a clear panel to promote communication with people who have autism or hearing impairment. The Independent Florida Alligator wrote a story about her work.

Kean Villarta, bachelor’s in health science ’17, started a new job as the business operations manager at the Pediatric Heart Institute and children’s transplant programs at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in Hollywood, Florida.