The Best Laid Plans…Responding to Failures and Successes
Academic life and real life are rife with perceived setbacks. Responding to these situations is an important part of professional and personal development. This Q&A style colloquium will explore definitions of success and failure, as well as literature about how we respond. The panelists will discuss the ‘bumps’ in their career and life paths. Audience participation will be encouraged.
Juy 12, 2019; 12-1pm
HPNP G-103
David Fedele, Ph.D., ABPP
Associate Professor & Area Head, Child/Pediatric
Lori Waxenberg, Ph.D., ABPP
Clinical Professor & Director, Internship Program
Glenn Smith, Ph.D., ABPP
Professor & Chair
Lunch will be served starting at 11:45 am