Honors and awards

Faculty and Staff

Joseph Bisesi, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the department of environmental and global health, was awarded the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry’s Presidential Citation for Exemplary Service.

Amy Blue, Ph.D., the college’s associate dean for educational affairs, UF Health’s associate vice president for interprofessional education and a clinical professor in the department of environmental and global health, received the Association of American Medical Colleges Southern Group on Educational Affairs Career Educator Award.

Sherrilene Classen, Ph.D., M.P.H., OTR/L, a professor and chair of the department of occupational therapy, is one of two UF faculty members selected as a Southeastern Conference Academic Consortium Academic Leadership Development Program Fellow for 2018-2019. She is also the recipient of the Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists’ Scholar Award.

Susmita Datta, Ph.D., a professor in the department of biostatistics in PHHP and the College of Medicine, has been selected to serve on the advisory board of the National Science Foundation’s Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences Regional Conference Series.

Ji-Hyun Lee, Dr.P.H., a professor in the department of biostatistics at the College of Public Health and Health Professions and the College of Medicine, has been elected a Fellow of the American Statistical Association.

Glenn Smith, Ph.D., chair of clinical and health psychology and Elizabeth Faulk Professor, received a presidential citation for outstanding contributions to the Society for Clinical Neuropsychology and the profession at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association.

Mary Ellen Young, Ph.D., a clinical professor in the department of occupational therapy, was inducted into UF’s chapter of Delta Omega, the public health honor society.


Katie Butera and Abby Wilson, doctoral students in rehabilitation science, received Promotion of Doctoral Studies scholarships from the Foundation for Physical Therapy. The awards are intended to support physical therapists as they develop research careers.

Karen Cohen, a master’s student in health administration; Jessica Killingsworth, a bachelor’s student in health science; and Ilyssa Schatz, a bachelor’s student in public health, received UF Presidential Service awards. Schatz also received the Outstanding Service Among Undergraduate Students award, which is given to a UF student whose service was exemplary.

Samuel Crowley, a doctoral student in clinical psychology, was selected as one of three students to present at the 2018 American Psychological Association Convention as part of an Association of Neuropsychology Students in Training-sponsored workshop on giving effective neuropsychology case presentations.

Upuli Dissanayake, a master’s student in epidemiology, was awarded a graduate lead internship position as part of UF Health’s Neuromedicine Interdisciplinary Clinical and Academic Programs.

Alison Irwin, a doctoral student in physical therapy, received the Joe Cirulli Scholarship Award, which is awarded to a student with financial need, who not only has exceptional academic credentials, but is also involved in local community service.

Lindsey King, a doctoral student in public health (social and behavioral sciences concentration), was awarded a UF Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Award.

Charles Moreno and Elle Wiggins, doctoral students in clinical psychology, were awarded scholarships by the Stephanie Nicole Ross Foundation.

Sara Voorhees, a doctoral student in clinical psychology, has been selected as one of five recipients of the University Women’s Club Graduate Scholarship.

Kai Yang, a doctoral student in biostatistics, was awarded the Best Student Paper Award in Applied Statistics at the International Indian Statistical Association’s annual conference.

Jessica Zakrzewski, a doctoral student in clinical psychology, received a travel award to present her research at the International OCD Foundation’s annual conference in Washington, D.C.