Mary Ellen Young, PhD, clinical professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, was inducted into Beta Upsilon, the UF Chapter of Delta Omega, the national Public Health Honor Society on May 3. A rehabilitation counselor by training, Dr. Young’s public health focus is on capturing the “lived experience” of people with disabilities in order to inform policy and service delivery systems. Her expertise is in qualitative research, particularly those methods that give voice to individuals who are not often heard in the debates about access to care. Her research involves clinical populations and caregivers of people with stroke, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and cancer. She serves as a mentor to both faculty and students on the application of qualitative methods, particularly constructivist grounded theory. She is the qualitative research consultant in the CTSI Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design Program (BERD) and co-facilitator of the Qualitative Research Colloquium in the Health Science Center.
Congratulations Dr. Young!