Florida Epidemiology Students Achieve 100 Percent Publication Rate in 2016 – 2017

The 2016 – 2017 academic year was a busy time for the doctoral students in the department of epidemiology at the University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions and College of Medicine. All 23 PhD students published at least one manuscript or letter to the editor during this period, and 83 percent first-authored at least one manuscript or letter to the editor. Each student published, on average, 3.17 papers during this period, with an average of 1.61 first-authored papers published per student.

The students, along with an example of one of their published articles, include:

Dr. Abenaa Acheampong (Jones), Gender differences in the association between religion/spirituality and simultaneous polysubstance use (SPU) in Journal of Religion and Health

Ms. Denny Fe Garcia Agana, Re: Primary care patients’ willingness to participate in comprehensive weight loss programs: From the WWAMI Region Practice and Research Network in Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine

Mr. Jacob Ball, Clinical and spatial features of Zika virus in Mexico in Acta Tropica

Dr. Shahab Bozorgmehri, Association of sleep disordered breathing with erectile dysfunction in community dwelling older men in The Journal of Urology

Mr. Zhaoyi Chen, Re: Potassium-sodium citrate prevents the development of renal microcalculi into symptomatic stones in calcium stone-forming patients in International Journal of Urology

Ms. Hannah Crooke, Coinfection with zika and dengue-2 viruses in a traveler returning from Haiti, 2016: Clinical presentation and genetic analysis in Clinical Infectious Diseases

Ms. Amy Elliott, Pragmatic trial of a Study Navigator Model (NAU) vs. Ambassador Model (N+) to increase enrollment to health research among community members who use illicit drugs in Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Mr. Verlin Joseph, Regarding intimate partner victimization and health risk behaviors among pregnant adolescents in American Journal of Public Health

Ms. Shivani Rajeshwori Khan, Correlates of use of alcohol mixed with energy drinks among youth across 10 US metropolitan areas in Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Dr. Natalie Kelso (Chichetto), Association between depressive symptom patterns and clinical profiles among persons living with HIV in AIDS and Behavior

Ms. Yiyang Liu, Evaluating the effectiveness of disposal programs through a comparison with prescription drug monitoring program data in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Ms. Sadaf Milani, Sex differences in frequent ED use among those with multimorbid chronic diseases in The American Journal of Emergency Medicine

Ms. Jae Min, The global spread of Middle East respiratory syndrome: an analysis fusing traditional epidemiological tracing and molecular phylodynamics in Global Health Research and Policy

Ms. Vicki Osborne, Non-medical opioid use in youth: Gender differences in risk factors and prevalence in Addictive Behaviors

Dr. Diana Rojas, The epidemiology and transmissibility of Zika virus in Girardot and San Andres island, Colombia, September 2015 to January 2016 in Eurosurveillance

Ms. Mirsada Serdarevic, Sex differences in prescription opioid use in Current Opinion in Psychiatry

Mr. Kai Wang, Geographic area-based rate as a novel indicator to enhance research and precision intervention for more effective HIV/AIDS control in Preventive Medicine Reports

Dr. Amal Asiri Wanigatunga, Physical impairment and body weight history in postmenopausal women: the Women’s Health Initiative in Public Health Nutrition

Mr. Sheldon Waugh, Novel encapsulation improves recovery of probiotic strains in fecal samples of human volunteers in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Dr. Martin Wegman, Relapse to opioid use in opioid-dependent individuals released from compulsory drug detention centres compared with those from voluntary methadone treatment centres in Malaysia: a two-arm, prospective observational study in The Lancet Global Health

Ms. Yunan Xu, Global prevalence of hypertension among people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis in Journal of the American Society of Hypertension

Mr. Bin Yu, Initiation of Electronic Cigarette Use by Age Among Youth in the U.S. in American Journal of Preventive Medicine

Mr. Yun Zhu, A genome-wide profiling of brain DNA hydroxymethylation in Alzheimer’s disease  in Alzheimer’s & Dementia