Trevor joined the Rehabilitation Science program in fall 2013. He completed a master of public health in summer 2016 and expects to complete his PhD in August. He is mentored by Dr. Steven George.
What has been your experience in the Rehabilitation Science program? What have you enjoyed most about the program?
After spending 7 years in full-time clinical practice, going back to school was challenging. But having collaborated on clinical research with many of the PT department faculty throughout my career, I could think of no place better to pursue research training. In my 4 years in the program, I have experienced tremendous personal and professional growth. I attribute that growth to being mentored by experts who have helped me develop the tools to succeed and have given me the freedom to explore. Being surrounded by supportive faculty, staff and fellow graduate students creates an incredibly rich learning environment. And I look forward to using the knowledge I have gained to address many of the clinical questions that brought me into the program. I have particularly enjoyed the opportunities to develop friendships and collaborations with other graduate students both inside and outside of the RSD program. The interdisciplinary collaboration at UF is phenomenal and I have benefitted from building relationships across a wide range of disciplines. These collaborations have broadened my perspective and strengthened my research.

What are you currently researching?
My research focuses on using large, observational datasets to compare the effectiveness of different treatments for musculoskeletal pain. By studying the effectiveness of treatments in real-world settings, I hope to find ways of better matching treatments to patients so that value of care is optimized. I am particularly interested in how we can use psychological, behavioral and social characteristics of the patient to more effectively personalize care.
What are your plans for after graduation?
After graduation I will be completing a post-doctoral fellowship at the Duke Clinical Research Institute in Durham, NC. During that time, I will be working with a team of health services researchers, health economists, and orthopedic surgeons to refine my skills in observational data analysis of populations with musculoskeletal pain.
Awards and Publications
- George SZ, Beneciuk JM, Lentz TA, Wu SS. Protocol and Analysis for the Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome (OSPRO) Longitudinal Validation Cohort Study. BMJ Open. Accepted.
- Lentz TA, Harman JS, Marlow NM, George SZ. Development of a Value Model for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain by Physical Therapists. Phys Ther. 2017 March; 97(3): 354-64.
- Coronado RA, Simon CB, Lentz TA, Gay CW, Mackie LN, George SZ. Optimism Moderates the Influence of Pain Catastrophizing on Shoulder Pain Outcome: A Longitudinal Analysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2017 Jan;47(1):21-30.
- Rhon DI, Lentz TA, George SZ. Unique Contributions of Body Diagram Scores and Psychosocial Factors to Pain Intensity and Disability in Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain in a Military Primary Care Clinic. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2016 Nov 5:1-24.
- Butera KA, Lentz TA, Beneciuk JM, George SZ. Use of a modified STarT Back Screening Tool across different anatomical regions of musculoskeletal pain. Phys Ther. 2016 Aug;96(8):1251-61.
- Lentz TA, Beneciuk JM, Bialosky JE, Zeppieri G Jr, Dai Y, Wu SS, George SZ. Development of a Yellow Flag Screening Tool for Orthopaedic Physical Therapists: Results from the Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome (OSPRO) Cohort. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2016 May;46(5):327-43.
- Simon CB, Lentz TA, Bishop MD, Riley JL, Fillingim RB, George SZ. Comparative Associations of Working Memory and Pain Catastrophizing with Chronic Low Back Pain Intensity: Preliminary Indication of Age Group Effects. Phys Ther. 2016 Jul;96(7):1049-56.
- George SZ, Beneciuk JM, Bialosky JE, Lentz TA, Zeppieri G Jr, Pei Q, Wu SS. Development of a Review of Systems Screening Tool for Orthopaedic Physical Therapists: Results From the Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome (OSPRO) Cohort. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2015 Jul;45(7):512-26.
- Lentz TA, Zeppieri G, George SZ, Tillman SM, Moser MW, Farmer KW, Chmielewski TL. Comparison of Knee Impairment, Pain Intensity, Function and Psychological Measures Among Return to Sport Status Groups in the First Year Following ACL Reconstruction. Am J Sports Med. 2015 Feb;43(2):345-53.
Dean’s Scholar, College of Public Health and Health Professions, University of Florida (2017)
Outstanding Paper Award “Development of a Yellow Flag Screening Tool for Orthopaedic Physical Therapists: Results from the Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome (OSPRO) Cohort”, PhD in Rehabilitation Science Program, University of Florida (2017)
12th Annual Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium Poster Award, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Florida (2017)
Young Investigator Travel Award, American Pain Society (2017)
Viva J. Erickson Award for Outstanding Academic Leadership and Achievement, Foundation for Physical Therapy (2016)
Miami-Marquette Challenge Award, Foundation for Physical Therapy (2015)
Graduate Student Fellowship, University of Florida (2013)