Call for Abstracts: PHHP Research Day – Deadline 2/13

 Deadline: The deadline for receipt of abstract submissions is February 13, 2017 by 5PM. You will need to print your form, affix signatures, then scan and send a single PDF file via email to Ms. Erica Boyd at   Incomplete, incorrectly formatted, and late submissions will NOT be accepted.

PHHP Research Day, April 12, 2017 – Abstract for Poster Presentation

Click here for the Abstract Submission Template


  • Graduate Students:
    • Enrolled in a PHHP program – acknowledge it on the submission.
    • A UF faculty mentor must have been involved in the research study, and that mentor, who must also be a co-author, must sign this submission form.
    • Only one first-authored abstract submission per eligible student.
    • Permission of all coauthors to submit (though only the primary mentor’s signature is needed).  If selected for award, Research Committee will contact coauthors; if they did not give permission for the abstract, the poster will be disqualified.
    • Eligible for winning poster with oral presentation.
  • Undergraduate Students:
    • Enrolled as an Undergraduate Honor’s student in PHHP Bachelors programs.
    • Not eligible for oral presentation.


  • Posters will be judged by Research Committee members who are blinded to the authors, not in conflict (real or perceived) with the student either due to being in the home department or working with the student or mentor.
  • Abstract awards will be limited to students in PHHP graduate degree programs.
  • Monetary award will be for future professional travel.
  • The awardees will develop and present a 3-minute oral presentation at Research Day.
  • Winning selections will be announced in mid- March.

Abstract Guidelines:

  • Abstract includes Title, Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Public Health/Health Professions Relevance, Funding Sources and Student Role are also required on the abstract submission page. Do not miss any of these mandatory areas.
  • Total word count (of Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions sections) must be no more than 300 words not counting labels for the section.
  • Define all abbreviations at first use.
  • Avoid technical jargon. Give special attention to clarity of communication for a mixed Health Professions and Public Health audience. Be sure abstracts are easily understood by someone outside of your discipline.
  • Use the following information as a guide for what to include in your abstract submission (template provided on next page).  Use Arial 11 font for all sections.
  • Title of Study – Cannot exceed 200 characters. Clearly conveys content. Accurate. Highlights important aim or finding.
  • Background – Covers key questions/issues addressed, objective, hypothesis if relevant.
  • Methods – Identify the research design (eg. experimental, retrospective, observational, randomized controlled trial, etc.), sampling strategy, measures and specific procedures employed, including statistical tests.
  • Results – Include major findings including measures of significance.
  • Conclusions – Provide implications and limitations of findings, innovation to the field.

Not included in word count but required on abstract submission page where indicated:

  • Public Health and/or Health Professions Relevance – In a sentence or two, describe the potential relevance and significance of this research for human health.
  • Funding Sources – Identify sources of funding for the research being presented.
  • Student Role – Describe student contribution to the study/analyses described in abstract (collected and analyzed data, analyzed data following mentor’s analytic plan, wrote up results for submission, conducted experiment, etc.)

Print form, affix signatures, scan and send a single PDF file via email to: Ms. Erica Boyd at (352) 273-5468

Incomplete, incorrectly formatted, and late submissions will NOT be accepted.