The entire CHP fourth year cohort is among the collaborative team
A large number of collaborators from clinical and health psychology recently were among the collaborators on a paper entitled “Factors Influencing Clinical Correlates of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE): a Review” published in August 2016 in Neuropsychology Review. The paper was a narrative review discussing biopsychosocial-based factors that complicate the understanding of the relationship between repetitive head trauma and pathological/clinical outcomes. One unique feature of the paper was the extensiveness of the collaboration, pulling in faculty and students with a wide diversity of research interests. All 4th-year neuropsych students were involved, in addition to contributors from other cohorts/labs:
The investigators reviewed literature on cognitive, mood, and behavioral changes across many populations and specialties within psychology. They specifically discussed how factors negatively affecting these functions throughout the lifespan may be disproportionately prevalent in retired collision sport athletes, a population thought to be at risk for long-term effects of repetitive brain trauma. The narrative review concluded that accurately determining the primary source of clinical symptoms associated with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is highly complex. Such symptoms may result from many factors independently and also likely interact with the effects of repetitive brain trauma, and recognizing these factors could have significant treatment and quality of life implications.
The full text is available at
4th-year Neuro cohort authors:
Breton Asken (4th year, Bauer Lab)
Molly Sullan (4th year, Bauer Lab)
Loren Hizel (4th year, Price Lab)
Vaughn Bryant (4th year, Cohen Lab)
Molly McLaren (4th year, Dotson Lab)
Non-4th year Neuro student authors:
Aliyah Snyder (6th year/intern, Bauer Lab)
Zac Houck (3rd year, Perlstein/Bauer Lab)
CHP Neuro Faculty authors:
Dr. Duane Dede
Dr. Russell Bauer (senior author)
UF Department of Neurology:
Dr. Michael Jaffee
Dr. Steven DeKosky