Jacob’s first-authored manuscript (citation below) was selected as one of two runner-ups for the first annual Student Project Competition sponsored by The Clinical Neuropsychologist (TCN) and the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN). His publication was selected from among 20 eligible manuscripts that were rated by three reviewers comprised of AACN Student Affairs Committee (SAC) members. Manuscripts were rated along six dimensions: (1) Timeliness and importance of the topic, (2) breadth and depth of the literature review, (3) statistical and methodological rigor and innovativeness, (4) articulation of clinical relevance and contribution to evidence-based practice, (5) clinical impact, and (6) responsiveness to reviewers. Jacob will receive an award of $500.
Lafo, Jacob A.; Jones, Jacob D.; Okun, Michael S.; Bauer, Russell M.; Price, Catherine C.; Bowers, Dawn. (2015). Memory similarities between essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease: A final common pathway? The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Vol 29(7), pp. 985-1001.