Warren wins first place; Rotblatt ties for fifth place.The College of Public Health and Health Professions held its 29th Annual Research Day on April 13, 2016. Under the theme “Improving Health for People and Communities Worldwide”, the event celebrates the research contributions made by faculty and students as they speak to the College’s Mission. Research Day included 36 poster presentations by undergraduate students (7 from Clinical and Health Psychology) and 60 poster presentations by graduate students (11 from Clinical and Health Psychology). The highest ranked abstracts were invited to give brief oral presentations to the College. Lisa M. Klesges, Ph.D., Professor and Dean of the School of Public Health, University of Memphis, gave the keynote address, entitled “Public health research: The times they are a-changing”.
Graduate students from our department, Eliza Warren (mentor Michael Perri) and Lindsay Rotblatt (mentor: Michael Marsiske), won the first and fifth place awards for top abstract.
The top-ranked abstract was:
Eliza L. Warren, Melissa H. Laitner, Renee Degener, Aviva Ariel, M.S., & Michael G. Perri (2016, April). The effect of dose on physical activity in a behavioral weight-loss program. Poster presented at the 29th Annual PHHP Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Tied for fifth place was:
Rotblatt, L. J., Thomas, K. R., Maye, J. E., & Marsiske, M. (2016, April). The effects of polypharmacy and cardiovascular medication on cognition in older adults. Poster presented at the 29th Annual PHHP Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
“A full copy of the program, listing all the presentations made by students in CHP and in the rest of the College, is linked here.