Four MHA and MPH students from PHHP attended the National Association of Healthcare Executives (NAHSE) conference in New Orleans. This annual conference is dedicated to the promotion of inclusion, diversity, and excellence and attracts students, young professionals, mid-careerists, and CEOs. Second-year master’s candidates Danielle Scheer (MPH-MP), Herlydcia Joseph-Andre (MHA), and TJ Leach (MHA) competed in the 20th annual Everett V. Fox case competition held during the conference. The team, self-named Luminate Consulting, was aided by first-year observers Cali Sanford (MHA) and Jared Burdgess (MHA). This year’s case centered around Kaiser Permanente Georgia, who requested a strategic plan to turn ten years’ of negative operating margins into a financial break even by 2018 and $40 million dollars in excess revenue by 2021. Luminate was one of 25 teams competing, and advanced to the top ten and the semifinal rounds. In addition to their success in the case competition, Scheer, Joseph-Andre, Leach and Sanford also enjoyed networking with the current and future healthcare leaders from around the country.