The Annual Fall Research Symposium took place on Friday, November 13, 2015, featuring presentations by twelve Clinical & Health Psychology doctoral students describing the results their First Year Projects. The Projects will be formally completed and submitted in written form to the Graduate School in partial fulfillment of requirements for the M.S. degree in Psychology.
The student presenters were:
Brittany Bailey, B.A.: “Youth Self-Esteem: Exploring the Role of Executive Functioning and Academic Achievement” (Mentors: Shelley Heaton, Ph.D., and David Janicke, Ph.D.)
Adrian Chambers, B.S.: “Exploring the Relationship between Sleep and Cognition in a Mixed Clinical Pediatric Sample” (Mentors: Shelley Heaton, Ph.D., and Russell M. Bauer, Ph.D., ABPP)
Marie Chardon, B.A.: “Youth Adjustment Problems, Sleep-Related Problems and Disordered Eating Attitudes and Behaviors: A Moderated Mediation Analysis” (Mentor: David Janicke, Ph.D.; supported by a Mini-Grant from the Center for Pediatric Psychology and Family Studies)
Jaylyn Clark, B.A.: “Influence of Sex, Race, and Weight Cues on Individual Pain Decisions about Chronic Pediatric Pain: Virtual Human Technology” (Mentor: Michael Robinson, Ph.D.)
Sam Crowley, B.S.: “The Loss of Motor Learning and the Importance of Cortico-Cortical Connections in Parkinson’s Disease” (Mentor: Catherine Price, Ph.D., ABPP, supported by NIH)
Andrew Guzick, B.S.: “The Effects of ADHD Symptoms on Multimodal Treatment Outcome for Youth with OCD” (Mentor: Gary R. Geffken, Ph.D., supported by NIH 5U01MH078594-01)
Zachary M. Houck, B.A.: “The Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Early Exposure to Football on Baseline Neurocognitive Functioning” (Mentor: William Perlstein, Ph.D.; supported by NCAA/DOD Grand Alliance)
Zachary Mannes, B.S.: “The Association of Loneliness, Substance Use, and Gender: A Study of HIV+ Low Resource Adults 50+” (Mentor: Nicole Ennis Whitehead, Ph.D.; supported by NIMH R25MH080665 and NIAAA U24AA02002)
Mallory Netz, B.A.: “Division of Responsibility for Asthma Management among Emerging Adolescents” (Mentor: David Fedele, Ph.D.; supported by a Mini-Grant from the Center for Pediatric Psychology and Family Studies)
Bonnie M. Scott, M.S.: “Semantic Priming Amplifies Emotional Reactivity in Parkinson’s Disease” (Mentor: Dawn Bowers, Ph.D., ABPP; supported by NIH 1R21NS079767)
Erin Trifilio, B.S.: “Age-Related Changes in Apathy, but not Anticipatory Anhedonia in Cognitively Normal Older Adults” (Mentor: Dawn Bowers, Ph.D., ABPP; supported by McKnight Research Foundation and NIH R01NS50633)
Eliza Warren, B.S.: “Effects of Treatment Dose on Changes in Physical Activity in Lifestyle Interventions for Weight Loss” (Mentor: Michael G. Perri, Ph.D., ABPP; supported by NHLBI R01HL87800)
After the presentations concluded, the Department’s Annual Student and Faculty Awards were presented. The award winners were:
Student Awards
Molly Harrower Award for
Excellence in Psychodiagnostic Assessment:
Tanisha Hill-Jarrett, M.S.
Florence Shafer Memorial Award
for Excellence in Psychotherapy:
Elizabeth Kacel, M.S.
Nathan W. Perry, Jr. Memorial
Scientist-Practitioner Award:
Landrew Sevel, M.S.
Clinical & Health Psychology
Research Award: Janelle Letzen, M.S.
Robert & Phyllis Levitt
Neuropsychology Research Award:
Janelle Letzen, M.S.
Geoffrey Clark-Ryan Memorial Award
for Pediatric Psychology Research:
Sarah Westen, M.S.
Clinical Health Psychology
Research Award: Lauren Hearn, M.S.
Jenny Sivinski Memorial Award for
Excellence in Community Service:
(Honorable Mention: Clinical & Health
Psychology Free Therapy Night Team)
Jenny Sivinski Memorial Award:
Aliyah Snyder, M.S.
Eileen B. Fennell Graduate
Student Teaching Award:
Aliyah Snyder, M.S.
Faculty Awards
Hugh C. Davis Faculty Award
for Excellence in Clinical Supervision:
Shelley Heaton, Ph.D.
Audrey Schumacher Award
for Excellence in Teaching:
Michael Marsiske, Ph.D.
Research Mentor Award:
Russell M. Bauer, Ph.D.
Following the symposium, a reception was held in the Department’s common area. The faculty extends its congratulations to all student presenters and award winners on their outstanding achievements!