Wednesday, April 8th, was the College of Public Health and Health Professionals 28th Annual Research Day. Three students of the College of Environmental and Global Health presented posters of their research, two of which made it in the Top 7 Abstracts, one tied for first.
Helena Chapman presented “How Do Dominican Health Care Workers Perceive Their Risk of Tuberculosis?”, a study conducted with help from Dr. Michael Lauzardo and fellow collaborators in the Dominican Republic. She tied for first place for her work. Chapman’s advisors are Dr. Song Liang and Dr. Michael Lauzardo.
Thomas Alex Weppelmann presented “Increased Isolation Frequency of Toxigenic Vibrio Cholerae O1 from Environmental Monitoring Sites in Haiti”, a study conducted alongside Meer T Alam with help from Ira Longini, Valery Madsen Beau De Rochars, Glenn Morris, and Afsar Ali. He placed in the Top Seven Highest Ranking Abstracts for his work. Weppelmann’s Advisor is Dr. Asfar Ali.
Makyba Charles presented “An Assessment of Seafood Consumption Patterns in Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Communities”. Charles’ Advisor is Dr. Andrew Kane.
More pictures from Student Research Day below!