HSRMP MHA, PhD and MPH students participated in the first UF Clarion Competition. Congratulations to all the students that represented HSRMP so well!

The CLARION competition requires health professions students to work together to build a better healthcare system. The emphasis is on improving patient safety and quality of care through the development of interprofessional leadership, teamwork and communication. Students analyze a fictional sentinel event and through their analysis, make recommendations that would improve the system of care to prevent future errors. The case this year, “Stroke of Bad Luck,” required students to “create a vision of how to involve local and regional institutions (both medical and educational) and community resources in an integrated plan that utilizes best practices in interprofessional teamwork to enhance the process of care, from prevention to treatment to community-based follow up targeted to ensuring patient-centered care plan outcomes.” The patient case, situated in Eastern Kentucky, was focused on stroke, from early signs of identification to patient rehabilitation and successful transition to home.
The first place team will be traveling to Minneapolis, MN for the National Clarion competition April 17-19!
The winning teams were:
1st Place:
Thomas Leach PHHP/MHA
Scott Robinson PHHP/MHA
Danielle Scheer PHHP/MPH
Nathan Pham Pharmacy (Jackonsville campus)
2nd Place:
Sarah Bauer PHHP/HSRMP (PhD program)
Chintan Dave Pharmacy
Jon Mills PHHP/HSRMP (PhD program)
Aditi Patel Medicine
3rd Place:
Leanne Dumeny Medicine
Houda Dardari Pharmacy (Orlando campus)
Ronchell Drains Pharmacy (Orlando campus)
Mindy Wang Medicine