Students Present at the SACNAS conference in Los Angeles

Graduate and undergraduate students that are currently working with Drs. Sabo-Attwood and Bisesi in the Department of Environmental and Global Health presented their research at the Society for Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) national conference on October 16-20, 2014 in Los Angeles, California. SACNAS is an NSF sponsored organization which fosters diversity, mentoring, and full representation in STEM fields. Justine Nicholas (graduate student) presented preliminary results from her thesis work on the pulmonary toxicity of carbon nanomaterials and Cruz Ortiz Jr. (graduate student) presented a poster on his current research investigating air pollution exposure of welders and potential mechanisms for controlling emissions. Undergraduate student, Blake Castillo, presented a poster on his research investigating the ability of single-walled carbon nanotubes to sorb environmental contaminants and impact downstream biology.  All three students were awarded travel grants to attend the conference. Ms. Nicholas took part in the graduate student oral presentation competition and was awarded first place for her talk in the Public Health category.