EGH Students Present Posters at the 27th Annual PHHP Research Day

Graduate and undergraduate students from the Department of Environmental and Global Health presented posters on a wide range of research topics at the 27th annual PHHP Research Day on April 9, 2014. Sarah K. White, MPH, placed among the top 15 presenters with her poster titled, “Little Evidence of Human Infection with Equine Influenza during the 2007 Epizootic, Australia.” The study described in the poster is a product of collaboration between the University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore, Australia and the University of Florida. The team searched for evidence of equine influenza (EIV) virus infection as well as possible risk factors among humans exposed to EIV infected horses in Queensland during the 2007 Australian epizootic. The study was recently published in the Journal of Clinical Virology and can be accessed at the following link: Burnell et al. 2014 – EIV Australia.

Congratulations to Sarah and to all EGH students who presented at PHHP Research Day!

Photos found here.