Dr. Jared Tanner, a post doctoral research fellow in CHP, was selected to present his NIH supported research on verbal memory in Parkinson’s Disease at the Parkinson’s Action Network (PAN) Leadership Forum Session in Washington, D.C.  From a selection of applicants, 18 post-doctoral fellows received the chance to present their research in a reception session designated for PAN advocate leaders around the country. Fellows were asked to meet Members of Congress to discuss their research.
Jared holds a Ph.D. in Psychology with an emphasis in neuropsychology from the University of Florida. He completed a psychology internship at the Duke University Medical Center. His primary research interests involve verbal memory and structural brain MRI in neurodegenerative disorders and following major surgery. He is particularly interested in understanding how white matter connections between brain regions change and how white matter integrity is related to cognition and memory. His research involves cross-disciplinary collaborative work.
Jared’s research (Verbal Memory in Non-demented Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease: A Structural MRI and Quantitative White Matter Tractography Analysis) was focused on understanding how verbal memory is altered by Parkinson’s disease as well as how structures that support memory processes are impacted by the disease process. His research was supported by NINDS funded research (White Matter and Cognition in PD; Mentor: Catherine Price, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Clinical and Health Psychology faculty).