Post doctoral associate, Dr. Joseph Bisesi, publishes paper on detection and toxicity of SWCNT in fish

Dr. Joseph Bisesi, a post-doc in Dr. Tara Sabo-Attwood’s lab recently published a manuscript in Environmental Science and Technology.  Dr. Bisesi’s paper describes the toxicity of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) in the intestinal tract of fish as well as a new method for tracking and quantifying these materials in aquatic vertebrates using their innate near-infrared fluorescent properties.  SWCNTs have gained traction in recent years as their unique properties have led to increased use in manufacturing.  But little information is available on the human and environmental health effects of these materials.  Dr. Bisesi’s paper provides a valuable tool for assessing the fate, distribution, and toxicity of SWCNTs in aquatic environments which can be used to further our understanding of the potential impacts of these materials.  Future studies will focus on feeding studies with SWCNTs, as well as co-exposure with other contaminants and viruses.

Dr. Bisesi’s paper can be found using the following citation: Bisesi, JH; Merten, J; Liu, K; Parks, AN; Afrooz, ARMN; Glenn, JB; Klaine, SJ; Kane, AS; Saleh, NB; Ferguson, PL; Sabo-Attwood, T. 2014. Tracking and Quantification of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Fish Using Near Infrared Fluorescence. Environ. Sci. Technol: 48 (3), 1973–1983