Dr. Andy Kane and Jessica Rowland gather seafood consumption data at Florida Seafood Festival

EGH Associate Professor, Dr. Andy Kane, and EGH PhD student, Jessica Rowland, collected seafood consumption data from local seafood workers and consumers at theĀ 2013 Florida Seafood Festival in Apalachicola Bay. Kane and his research crew set up an outreach tent and implemented seafood consumption surveys for the Healthy Gulf Healthy Communities seafood safety project. More than 30,000 people attended this year’s festival. After the festival, Dr. Kane’s team sampled forĀ preliminary data to discern possible spat density differences based on varying cultch density.

Volunteers gather seafood consumption data at the 2013 Florida Seafood Festival. EGH PhD student Jessica Rowland pictured center. Photo courtesy of Andy Kane.
Dr. Kane sampling the shelling area in Apalachicola Bay. Photo courtesy of Andy Kane.