Surveillance for V. Cholerae from Clinical and Environmental Samples in Haiti – Alex Weppelmann, EGH doctoral candidate, Meer Alam (not pictured), EGH research scholar, and Mohammad Jubair (not pictured), EGH research scholar. Congratulations to Alex who received an Outstanding Poster award!
Mother’s Empowerment and Rotavirus Vaccination in India Poulomy Chakraborty, EGH PhD student, and John Anderson, EGH research coordinator
Evaluation of Quidel Influenza Assays in Swine Influenza Viruses – Ben Anderson, EGH PhD-One Health student
Survival of Vibrio Cholerae in Nutrient-Poor Environments is Associated with a Novel “Persister” Phenotype – Mohammad Jubair, EGH research scholar
EGH research scholars (left to right), Mohammad Jubair, Meer Alam, and Dr. Md Mustafizur Rahman. Jubair and Alam are also authors on the award-winning poster presented by EGH doctoral candidate, Alex Weppelmann.