Master of Health Science, One Health concentration

The MHS One Health concentration emphasizes working across public health, veterinary health, and environmental health disciplines to tackle difficult health problems. See video link. Such One Health thinking is strongly endorsed by prominent supporters of the One Health concept including the US CDC, NIH, USDA, and many academic and professional organizations: with an MHS in One Health will find wonderful opportunities for employment in many venues.  In particular, academic centers and the US government need broadly trained individuals to tackle in a multidisciplinary fashion, today’s most difficulty public health problems.  Trainees in this degree program will likely have employment opportunities in US universities, federal, state and county health departments, food and pharmaceutical industries, federal agencies, consulting and research companies, occupational safety, and other industries. Trainees will also likely have international employment opportunities.  These professionals will work in teams and interact with professionals from many different organizations.The MHS in One Health degree program is part of the portfolio of training programs in the Department of Environmental and Global Health Department in the College of Public Health and Health Professions. Many faculty in the concentration are also members of the Emerging Pathogens Institute, the Aquatic Pathobiology Laboratory, or the Center for Environmental and Human Toxicology. Some of the faculty hold joint appointments in other UF Colleges including the College of Veterinary Medicine and College of Medicine.The MHS One Health curriculum addresses a diverse range of health issues but has a strong focus upon infectious diseases. Courses and other educational experiences are carefully structured to enable students to develop competence in very specific health skills. Recommended undergraduate prerequisite training for One Health degrees include basic biology, chemistry, physiology, and college algebra.The program offers particular depth in how infectious diseases are transmitted at the human-animal interface; how the environment impacts such disease transmission; and how we can predict and mitigate new and current disease threats.  An emphasis is placed upon agricultural industries, biosecurity, entomology, zoonotic diseases, animal health, food production, pathogen detection and identification, and environmental controls. Through elective courses, students may draw on the extensive expertise of University of Florida faculty from diverse disciplines to gain special training in a specific field of interest. Where possible, students will emerge well versed in One Health problem solving via partnerships with industry.

Degree Requirements

I. Public Health Core: 12 credits



PHC 6052 Introduction to Biostatistical Methods



PHC 6001 Principles of Epidemiology



PHC 6313 Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health



PHC 6937 Introduction to Public Health


II. Concentration Core: 24 credits



PHC 6301 or PHC 6312 Aquatic Systems and Environmental Health; orWater Quality & Human Health


F, S

PHC 6515 or PHC 6937 An Introduction to Entomology, Zoonotic Diseases, and Food Safety



PHC 6346 Occupational & Environmental Health among Agriculture Workers



PHC 6036 Environmental Infectious Diseases: A Molecular Approach



General Elective*


General Elective*


General Elective*


General Elective*


III. Professional Issues: 1 credit

PHC 6937 Environmental and Global Health Seminar



IV. Field Experience: 3 credits

PHC 6937 Occupational Health Field Research Experience



Total Hours


Other Information

As this is the first degree program of its kind in the United States, we expect much demand and relatively high salaries for students with this training.

To attract out-of-state students to the MHS One Health program, we have won approval to reduce their tuition from >$1150/credit hr +fees to $650/credit hr + fees.

MHS students who are eligible for in-state tuition will pay regular Florida graduate in-state tuition rates. For estimated costs see:

For more information, please contact the program coordinator at

Click here to learn how to apply