Christopher Sozda is a fifth-year graduate student in CHP. His research and training is primarily focused in the area of neuropsychology and clinical-cognitive neuroscience. The APA Dissertation Research Award, sponsored by the Science Directorate of the American Psychological Association, is an annual competition for dissertation research funding. The purpose of this award is to assist science-oriented doctoral students of psychology with research costs. Chris received this award for his grant submission entitled “An Examination of Attentional Systems Following Traumatic Brain Injury: An Event-Related Potential Study.” Receipt of this award follows Chris’ recent publication, “Error-related processing following severe traumatic brain injury: An event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study” in the International Journal of Psychophysiology. Chris has demonstrated excellent scholarship during his time at UF, and the research proposed for this award exemplifies Chris’ scholarship and supports his continued efforts in understanding the nature of cognitive impairments in survivors of traumatic brain injury. Congratulations to Chris for his great work.